Rapport Storytelling, in collaboration with the ShowMe Ukraine Society of the University of Missouri, proudly presents Ukraine Unbroken, a 9-minute short-form documentary. Ukraine Unbroken captures the experiences of 3 Ukrainian students at Mizzou as they navigate trauma and refugee experiences, leaving behind everything they know and love to survive. This documentary showcases the personal price victims of war pay and the incredible power that institutions and individuals hold when they come together in support of a powerful cause.
UkraineUnbrokenisalaboroflovecreatedbyC.J.Levy,HeadofProductionatRapportStorytellingandindependentExecutiveProducerAlissaFidelman.FollowingameetingwithAlissaandthedocumentarysubjectsAlinaRohulia,NadiaPraiznerandVladSazhenC.J.Levycommented“Itwasimmediatelyclearthattheirtraumaticexperiences,intellectual perspectives, and first-hand truthful accounts needed to be captured and shared”.