Unlock Opportunities at Mizzou
A&S is dedicated to student success and provides scholarships to support academic pursuits. If you don't find something in the scholarships below, you can explore even more opportunities by checking out additional scholarships here.
Study Abroad Scholarships
- For study abroad on faculty-led programs run by professors in SLLC
- For majors and minors of our language programs
- Award amounts vary by year and applicant pool. In 2023 we awarded $1,500/student. In 2022, $1,000/student.
- The scholarship must be based on scholastic achievement, and may not be used as athletic scholarships; Any student receiving a scholarship must have, at least, a 3.0 grade point average on a 4 point scale; No quota system may be employed in determining the recipient of the scholarship-scholastic aptitude shall be the determining factor.
- Study Abroad committee determines how to award funds to multiple students in several programs
- Apply through Scholarship Universe here
This scholarship is designed to support students participating in a practical learning experience or activity in a French-speaking country. It is open to current French majors and minors. Awards will be granted in March.
Travel must take place during the 12-month period following the granting of the award. The evaluation committee will consider academic excellence, need, and the pertinence of travel to academic and career goals. We encourage underrepresented communities to apply.
Priority will be given to applicants who will be participating in a faculty-led program in a francophone country. Whenever possible, the department will award academic credit for the experience. The experience or activity must be faculty approved.
The minimum award is $500 and the maximum is $2500.
- Application Essay
- Proof of participation in a program or activity in a French-speaking country
- Award recipients agree to present an exposé based on their experience
Clearly indicate the following information on your essay:
- Your name
- Your major/minor
- Your current standing (freshman, etc.)
- Label clearly and answer both of the following essay questions: (1000 words maximum)
- Question 1: Which specific aspect of this experience appeals to you? And what do you hope to learn from this experience?
- Question 2: How do you hope to apply the knowledge and experience you gain from this program in your personal and/or professional life?
Send applications to Dr. Daniel Sipe (siped@missouri.edu) by February 15 annually. Award winner(s) will be informed in March.
Undergraduate Prizes
Campbell Prize for Undergraduate Excellence in Chinese:
Dollar amount: $200.00
One award for a Chinese minor with a record of outstanding academic work, consistent participation in Chinese cultural activities outside of class, and commitment to the study of Chinese language and culture.
No application. Chinese Section faculty will nominate and vote on award recipients.
Campbell scholarship for Chinese study or experience abroad (this is in addition to Campbell Study Abroad above)
Dollar amount: $1,000.00
One award for a Chinese minor who is planning to study abroad or to engage in service learning, an internship, or other experience in a Chinese speaking country. Preference given to students enrolled in faculty-led study abroad.
Students must submit a brief letter of intent, including a description of their motivations for studying Chinese, and ways they have engaged with Chinese language and culture outside of class prior to the deadline, which is February 15. Award recipient must be a Chinese minor. Send applications to Michael Volz (volzm@missouri.edu)
Campbell Prize in Undergraduate Excellence in French
Dollar amount: $1,000 and $250.00
One award each for a French major ($1000) and a French minor ($250.00), with a record of outstanding academic work, consistent participation in French section activities, and commitment to the study of French and Francophone language and culture.
No application. French Section faculty will nominate and vote on award recipients, who will be honored at annual French Graduation Party.
Best French Studies Paper
Dollar amount: $500.00 (one award)
An award for the finest essay written for a 3000-level French studies course. In the Spring semester, each 3000-level course will devote one class session to writing essays in class. Submitted essays will be judged on originality, organization of ideas, and writing quality. Award recipient must be a French major or minor
The essay contest will take place in late March or early April.
Campbell scholarship for French study or experience abroad
Dollar amount: $1,250.00
One award for a French major or minor who is planning to study abroad or to engage in service learning, an internship, or other experience in a francophone country.
Scholarship will be announced in Fall MU French Studies newsletter. Students must submit a brief letter of intent and request a recommendation from a French faculty member prior to the deadline, which is February 1. Award recipient must be a French major or minor.
Jane M. and Bruce P. Robert French Study Scholarship (view details under Study Abroad)
Funds shall be used to support students participating in a practical learning experience or activity in a French-speaking country. Whenever possible, the department will award academic credit for the experience. The experience or activity must be faculty approved.
TAPIF Graduate Fellowship
Dollar amount: $5,000 each
These fellowships are granted annually to two former TAPIF participants who are accepted into the MA program in French.
Campbell Undergraduate Research Assistantship
Maximum 6 awards per year. $500 each.
Awarded to undergraduate students majoring in German for research undertaken with German faculty. Positions are posted on the undergraduate research listings: https://undergradresearch.missouri.edu/jobs-and-programs/jobs/
Application shall include a letter of nomination from faculty primary investigator.
Application deadlines: Dec. 1, May 1, August 15
Send application to: Sean Ireton, iretons@missouri.edu
Campbell Awards for Undergraduate Study Abroad
Maximum of 3 awards per year. $1000 each.
Awarded to undergraduate students majoring in German who will participate in SLLC’s summer study-abroad program in Germany
Application shall include the following:
- An essay (500 words) explaining how the study abroad program will support the student’s academic and/or career goals.
- Unofficial transcripts
Application deadline: Feb. 1
Send application to: Sean Ireton, iretons@missouri.edu
Ruth E. Mullikin Award for Undergraduate Study Abroad
Maximum of 2 awards per year. $1000 each.
Awarded to undergraduate students majoring in German who will participate in SLLC’s summer study-abroad program in Germany
Application shall include the following:
- An essay (500 words) explaining how the study abroad program will support the student’s academic and/or career goals.
- Unofficial transcripts
Application deadlines: Feb. 1
Send application to: Sean Ireton, iretons@missouri.edu
Campbell Prize for Undergraduate Excellence in Italian
Amount: $200
One award for an Italian Minor with a record of outstanding academic work.
No application. Italian Section faculty will nominate and vote on award recipient. Preference given to students who, in addition to academic excellence, have been engaged in Italian cultural activities outside of class. Award recipient must have declared their Minor in Italian Studies.
Campbell Study Abroad Scholarship for Italian study or experience abroad
Amount: $1,000.00
One award for an Italian minor who is planning to study abroad or to engage in service learning, or an internship in Italy. Preference given to students enrolled in faculty-led study abroad programs.
Applicants should submit a brief letter of intent describing their motivations for studying Italian and for enrolling in a study-abroad program and how it fits into their educational (and possibly career) trajectory. Send applications to the Director of the Italian program, Roberta Tabanelli (tabanellir@missouri.edu), prior to the deadline of February 1st. Award recipient must be an Italian minor.
Campbell Prize in Undergraduate Excellence in Japanese
Each language section awards a series of prizes to support recruitment into and retention in their programs. Awards must be given to students enrolled in the Japanese or East Asian Studies Minor. Prizes: Best Writing Assignment on Japanese (2 prizes, $600 each)
Application shall include the following:
Student name and ID number, a copy of the writing assignment in question, submitted in a course in the previous two semesters, and the name and number of the course in which it was submitted. The writing assignment must be a minimum of 1000 words in length, written in English or Japanese.
Application deadline: March 1st
Send application to: Professor Eric Lancaster, lancastere@missouri.edu
Campbell Prize in Undergraduate Excellence in Korean
Each language section awards a series of prizes to support recruitment into and retention in their programs. Awards must be given to students enrolled in the Korean Studies or East Asian Studies minor. Prizes: Best Writing Assignment on Korea (2 prizes, $600 each)
Application shall include the following:
Student name and ID number, a copy of the writing assignment in question, submitted in a course in the previous two semesters, and the name and number of the course in which it was submitted. The writing assignment must be a minimum of 1000 words in length, written in English or Korean.
Application deadline: March 1st
Send application to: Professor Eun Young Choi, ecd26@missouri.edu
Campbell Prize in Undergraduate Excellence in Portuguese
Each language section awards a series of prizes to support recruitment into and retention in their programs. Awards must be given to students enrolled in the Global Brazil Minor.
Prizes: Best Writing Assignment on Brazil (2 prizes, $600 each)
Application shall include the following:
Student name and ID number, a copy of the writing assignment in question, submitted in a course in the previous two semesters, and the name and number of the course in which it was submitted. The writing assignment must be a minimum of 1000 words in length, written in English or Portuguese.
Application deadline: March 1st
Send application to: Professor Jack Draper, draperj@missouri.edu
Campbell Prize in Undergraduate Excellence in Russian
Campbell Study Abroad Scholarship for participate in an educational program in a Russian-speaking part of the world.
Amount $2,500.
Application due by January 15th, applicants should send the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Russian 1) an updated c.v., and 2) a brief (1 to 2 page) description of the program and how it fits into the student’s educational (and possibly career) trajectory.
ACTR Post-Secondary Laureate Award
Amount: $250
Application: there is no application. This is a direct award to Mizzou’s recipient of the ACTR award (which itself carries no prize money); one student is nominated by the Russian faculty as best exemplifying the criteria specified in the ACTR call for nominations.
Outstanding Student in Russian
Amount: $250
Application: there is no application: this is a direct award to a student who has made outstanding academic, cultural, and leadership contributions to Russian studies and Russian, East European, and Central Asian cultural activities at Mizzou.
Campbell Prize in Undergraduate Excellence in Spanish
We have decided to award ten (10) scholarships of $500.00 each.
To qualify, the students must have declared their major or minor in Spanish. The committee will evaluate the applicant’s academic excellence, level of involvement in our section’s events and participation in our extracurricular activities.
To receive an award, interested students will submit a one-page application in which they support their candidacy for this scholarship. Applications must be submitted by November 30th. Prize will be awarded the following spring.
Contact Alicia Aviles Quiñones avilesquinonesa@missouri.edu
Graduate Students
Campbell Recruitment Prize for Graduate Study
Two scholarships of $1250 each awarded to incoming MA students in French, German, or Spanish. The scholarship is based on academic record and intellectual promise.
To apply, students must submit an unofficial undergraduate transcript, a resume, their GRE scores, a 500-word essay on why you wish to pursue a MA, and a recommendation letter from a teacher or guidance counselor through Scholarship Universe by February 1.
Please notify Kristin Kopp, Director of Graduate Studies: koppkr@missouri.edu, once you have applied.
Campbell Application Subvention
Offsetting cost of application fee ($75 domestic, $100 international) for students who have been accepted into our MA programs.
Campbell Prize for Best Paper in French Studies
Two awards at $2,500/each (1 per semester)
Application shall include the following: Name, CV, and a copy of the paper you would like to submit for consideration.
Application deadline: December 1 and May 1
Send application to: Prof. Muratore, muratorem@missouri.edu
Jane M. and Bruce P. Robert French Study Scholarship (see details under Study Abroad)
Carrie Wilkins Fellowship in Romance Languages
The School of Languages, Literatures & Cultures is pleased to offer two competitive summer fellowships to graduate students studying French and Francophone cultures & literatures. These two fellowships offer $4,000 to support SLLC graduate students pursuing a summer research project in French or Francophone countries. Stipends may be used for travel to remote research sites as well as for on-campus summer research.
Applicants must be graduate students from SLLC pursuing a research project in French or Francophone studies
Previous awardees are ineligible. Students with summer teaching are ineligible.
Application shall include the following: CV or résumé; budget; 1 page prospectus outlining project rationale and expected contributions of summer research to overall degree completion
Send application to: Dr. Mary Jo Muratore, Director of Graduate Studies in French, muratorem@missouri.edu
The Barnstorff Book Award for Academic Achievement
No application necessary.
The Barnstorff Book Award will be awarded to all German M.A students in good academic standing. The award covers the cost of all German-language materials assigned in German M.A seminars.
Campbell Prize for Excellence in Graduate Research in German Studies
Awarded to MA students in the German program who will present their research at conferences hosted outside central Missouri. Up to five prizes will be awarded each academic year. Each student may only apply once per academic year.
Application shall include the following:
- Letter of acceptance or conference program from a recognized university or conference that lists the student and the title of their presentation.
- A completed travel authorization form (eCompliance)
Application deadline: Rolling deadline
Send application to Kristin Kopp, koppkr@missouri.edu
Campbell Prize for Summer Research in German Studies
Awarded to MA students in the German program who intend to write MA theses or critical papers in their second year of the program.
Application shall include the following:
- A detailed project proposal
- A letter of support from the thesis or project advisor
Application deadline: May 1
Send application to Kristin Kopp, koppkr@missouri.edu
Campbell Prize for Academic Achievement in German Studies
Awarded to MA students in the German program who show outstanding academic achievement at the end of their first year of the program. Up to five awards per year, maximum of $1,000 each.
No application necessary.
Nominations for award are due on the Wednesday after spring grades are due and will be made by Kristin Kopp after consulting with German faculty.
The Friedel C. Maasdorf Scholarship for Future Language Teachers
Maximum one award per year. This scholarship funds an immersive summer language program in Germany. Intended for those students who have earned the BALT degree at MU (or equivalent from other US institution) and who will join the German MA program at MU in the fall semester following the award summer.
Awarded to students who meet the following criteria:
- Will hold a BA degree and teaching credential for German by May of the award year.
- Have been accepted into the German MA program, admitted by MU’s Graduate School, and have accepted our offer letter to begin the MA program in the fall semester.
Application shall include the following:
- Signed MA Program offer letter.
- Detailed budget including the name and dates of course (found on DAAD summer course database), flight, room, and board.
Application deadline: April 1
Send application to Kristin Kopp, koppkr@missouri.edu
Paul Casey Award for Graduate Research
Maximum of 2 awards per year. Awarded to MA students in the German program who will present their research at conferences hosted outside central Missouri.
Application shall include the following:
- Letter of acceptance or conference program from a recognized university or conference that lists the student and the title of their presentation.
- A completed travel authorization form (eCompliance)
Application deadline: rolling deadline.
Send application to Kristin Kopp, koppkr@missouri.edu
Campbell Prize for Teaching and Academic Excellence in Spanish Studies
Five scholarships of $1,000.00 each. A Spanish faculty committee will evaluate the applicant's commitment and excellence in both academic performance and teaching.
To receive an award, interested students will submit an application, in Spanish, in which they support their candidacy for this scholarship.
Applications must be submitted by November 30th. Prize will be awarded the following spring.
Send application to Mamadou Badiane, badianem@missouri.edu
Jacob Warshaw Scholarship in Spanish
Award to an outstanding student in any division of the University including the graduate school who has maintained a high scholastic record in a course or courses in Spanish or Portuguese, preferably Spanish, and who will agree to continue the study of the language in the University.
Application shall include the following: Name, CV, and a list of Spanish courses taken at Mizzou, with one sample writing project
Application deadline: May 1
Send application to: Prof. Mamadou Badiane, badianem@missouri.edu