PhD, French Literature, Florida State University
MS, Foreign Language Education & French, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
BA, French & Theatre, University of Tennessee – Knoxville
My primary research area is in French Theatre & Performance Studies & Theatre Semiotics. I also have secondary interests in French Literature Across the Ages and Foreign Language Pedagogy. My work in Performance Studies led me to produce and direct theatre productions in French for a company that I founded in Seattle. Some of the productions that I directed included a late medieval French farce, La farce de Maître Pathelin; Molière’s Les précieuses ridicules; Rostand’s Les Romanesques; Sartre’s Huis-clos, and a variety of one-acts in French by Boris Vian, Eugène Ionesco, Samuel Beckett, and Fernando Arrabal. I am currently working on a book tentatively titled, The Unholy Text: Liberated Textuality and Mise en Scène in French Theatre & Performance Studies.
- Beginning & Intermediate French (Semesters 1 to 4)
- “Le Rire: L’esprit comique dans la littérature, le cinéma, le théâtre, et les médias français et francophones”
- Civilisation et Culture du Canada Francophone
- Readings in French Literature
- Advanced French Conversation and Composition: Immigration and Dialectics
- Advanced French Conversation and Composition: French Cinema, TV, & Theater
- Masterpieces of French Literature: Middle Ages to the Revolution
- Guided Independent Study: Contemporary French Theater
- Honor’s Course in Modern Foreign Languages: French Absurdist Theatre
- Graduate Reading Knowledge in French
- French Phonetics
- Senior Capstones in French
- Topics in Gender Studies: Feminism, Psychoanalysis and World Drama
- Introduction to French Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
- French Composition
- French Media
- Seminar: French Theatre and Performance Workshop
“Infidelity, Adaptation, and Textuality: Approaches to Directing Late Medieval and Early Modern French Farce”. Text & Presentation. McFarland Books. April 2020.
“Out of the Classroom and into the Community: A ‘Practical Ethnography’ in Directing Foreign Language Theatre”. Text & Presentation. McFarland Books. 2017. SKU: 9781476670362
“Integrating Performance Studies into the Foreign Language Curriculum via Digital Media: New Adventures in Multiliteracies”. French Review, vol. 87.1.2013.
“Croisades in Québec: On the Semiotics of Performance and Contemporary French/Francophone ‘Dramaturgie’”. Review: The Journal of Dramaturgy, vol. 22(2). 2012
“Reconfiguring Character: Machinic Semiosis and Autopoeitic Subjectivity in Sarraute’s Pour un oui ou pour un non”. European Drama and Performance Studies, Var. 1, ISSN 2045-8541, March 2012.
“French Tragic Farce in an Age of Interpellation”. Journal of Modern Drama. University of
Toronto Press, v.51:2. Summer 2008.
“Multilateral and Holistic Perspectives in Contemporary Performance Theory: Understanding Patrice Pavis’ Integrated Semiotics”. Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism. University of Kansas Press, v.19:2. Spring 2005.
Why Theatre Matters: Urban Youth, Engagement, and a Pedagogy of the Real. Review in American Review of Canadian Studies. Vol. 45, 4. Montreal and Kingston, London, Ithaca, NY: McGill-Queen’s University Press. February 2016.
Disunified Aesthetics: Situated Textuality, Performativity, Collaboration. Review in American Review of Canadian Studies. Vol. 45, 2. Montreal and Kingston, London, Ithaca, NY: McGill-Queen’s University Press. June 2015.
Les Précieuses Ridicules – Princess Butterflies. https://www.amazon.com/Princess-Butterflies-Scott-Taylor-ebook/dp/B00AI2245E