Écriture, différence et recalibrage: Pour une nouvelle pathologie du discours postcolonial
Engaging with the works of, among others, Joseph Zobel, Ferdinand Oyono, and Sembène Ousmane, Dr. Muratore's wide-ranging study discerns that "the struggle for metaphysical and linguistic liberation is eloquently metaphorized and filled with regenerative signifiers," even if these are often "tainted by the past." Ultimately, "from the vestiges of yesteryear's immobility" there "emerges a counter-discourse: a new and irrevocable poetics of postcolonial triumph."
PUBLISHER: L'Harmattan
Author Information
University of Missouri Curators' Distinguished Professor; Professor of French Studies and Comparative Literature; Director of Graduate Studies (School-wide and French section DGS), School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures
125 Arts & Science Building