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College of Arts and Science
School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
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Don Joseph to present at Georgetown University and American University in Paris
Faculty Member Scott Taylor to Present at Comparative Drama Conference
Juanamaria Cordones-Cook to Publish Manuscript in Fall 2025
Professor Emerita Méndez Rodenas Publishes New Essay
MA Student Publishes in Journal and Presents at University of Alabama Conference
Professor M.J. Muratore's Molière métatextualiste (2024) receives Prize for Literary Theory and Contemporary Criticism
Doctoral Candidate Raoul Bozo to present research at Harvard University
Faculty member elected Vice President of Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
Faculty member Juanamaria Cordones-Cook recognizes Nancy Morejón's legacy
Sean Franzel receives prestigious Modern Language Association award
Faculty member wins Research Council award
French MA student publishes new poetry
German and Anthropology major Benjamin Mahurin recognized as Commencement Marshal
Afro-Romance Institute recognized for decades of transatlantic leadership
New A&S course helps students maximize their global internship experiences
Interdisciplinary Inquiry: a new course in Italian poetry and quantum physics
Roberta Tabanelli Publishes New Article in Italian Quarterly
Professor Muratore publishes Molière métatextualiste
Professor Muratore Celebrates Recent Publications
Professor Franzel's Students Tour Historical German Site in Missouri
Faculty Member Carla Cornette Completes Intensive "Black Italy" Training
In Memoriam: Professor Wang Sik Kim
Veronica Pérez-Picasso Defends Doctoral Dissertation
Carsten Strathausen Publishes New Research on Kafka Drawings and Adaptations
Adriana Méndez Rodenas publishes new article
French MA Student Omotayo Jemiluyi Publishes Article
SLLC Scholarship Recognized During Faculty Excellence Week
Spanish Doctoral Candidate Marcel Jaentschke Wins Honors at GPC Research Forum
Martha Kelly's book-length translation selected as finalist for PEN America Poetry Translation Prize
Afro-Cuban Legacies: International Conference Brings Scholars, Students, Artists Together
Kristin Kopp Chosen for Fellows Program from 2024-2026
SLLC Faculty Member Seth Howes Wins Prestigious Kemper Award
Mizzou '39 Recipients Name SLLC Faculty as Mentors
Professor Kopp Lectures at Bates College
SLLC Students Selected for Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals
Professor Cordones-Cook Completes Documentaries, Conducts Research in Cuba
Prof. Muratore Awarded "Prix en littérature francophone"
New institute will bridge humanities and migration studies
Badiane and Otabela contribute chapters to new book
Prof. Muratore Publishes New Article: "The Perils of the Poem Deconstructed"
Megan Moore's book Gender in the Premodern Mediterranean rereleased
Juanamaria Cordones-Cook publishes article with Universidad de Cartagena (Colombia)
German MA students participate in workshop on artificial intelligence
Mary Jo Muratore articles recently published
Raoul Bozo presented paper at the 2023 annual SAMLA
Roberta Tabanelli to participate in conference on Neapolitan filmmaker Antonio Capuano
Adapting Kafka: Strathausen seeks to compile database of Franz Kafka adaptations
Daniel Sipe Presents Paper at French Conference
H-France Publishes Forum Dedicated to Megan Moore's Research
Heather Moulaison-Sandy Presents at French Library Science School
Strathausen Receives Grant from MU Center for the Humanities
Faculty Organize Film Workshop and Present Research
German M.A. Students Present Papers at Georgetown University
Guadalupe Perez-Anzaldo Attends Language Convention
Faculty Attend Diversity in Graduate Education Forum in California
Juanamaria Cordones-Cook Presents Documentary at Multiple Universities
Seth Howes Presented Keynote at Conference
Kristin Kopp Invited to Lecture at Berlin Conference
Sean Franzel Presents at International Conference
German Faculty Present at Annual Convention
Don Joseph publishes new article in Contemporary French and Francophone Studies
Brad Prager's Book Named by the British Film Institute as Part of Classics Series
Carla Cornette Selected for Prestigious Italian Teachers Association
Martha Kelly Translates Classic Poems in New Book
Adriana Méndez Rodenas article featured in new research volume
Prof. Cordones-Cook Visits Vanderbilt University for Documentary Screenings
Documentary Screening and Q&A: "Zurbano and His Racial Consciousness"
Carsten Strathausen Fellowship Researches Franz Kafka in Germany
Brad Prager contributes to special exhibit at Jewish Museum in Frankfurt
Badiane Attends Afro-Latin/American Conference
Badiane and Otabela Co-Edit Prestigious Afro-Hispanic Review
Professor Muratore publishes "Écriture, différence et recalibrage" with L'Harmattan
Professor Fortin-Tournès Concludes Successful Residency
Professor Cordones-Cook Honored by Missouri International Student Council
Professor Prager Discusses New Miniseries about Anne Frank with Jerusalem Post
SLLC Graduate Student Maëlle Zemerline Presents Research at Multiple Conferences
SLLC graduate student Raoul Bozo presents research at World Languages Conference
Dr. Cordones-Cook Honored with Dulce María Loynaz International Award
SLLC Graduate Student Marcel Jaentschke to Conduct International Archive Visit
April 24th: SLLC students present Original Works Inspired by Afro-Latin American Theatre
SLLC Lecture: "Literary Nomadisms in the XXth-XXIst Centuries"
Lecture: “Higher Education in Russia in an Altered World”
March Lecture: "Founded in Translation: Hawaiian Language Nūpepa as Nineteenth-Century National and Regional Periodicals"
Chris DeMoss lecture on Agricultural Impact of Russia's War on Ukraine
French Conversation Club
Prof. Muratore Publishes New Article in Noria: revue littéraire et artistique
Hicran Karatas Honored by Turkish Academy of Sciences
November Lecture by Anna Förster (ZfL Berlin): "Translating Theory in the Cold War"
Campbell Fellowship Student Success Story
Prof. Muratore Publishes New Article in Studi di Letteratura Francese
Voice In Podcast: Study Abroad Asturias and Lima
Film Festival Celebrates Professor Cordones-Cook
SLLC Celebrates Hispanic Cinema This September and October
Prof. M.J. Muratore publishes new monograph, Stilled Voices Unmuted
SLLC now offers a Latinx Studies Minor!
MJ Montgomery, Sophomore Journalism and German Major, wins the 2022 Sophomore Hesburgh Scholarship
Congratulations to Madeline Ewing on being selected for The Teaching Assistant Program in France!
The Spanish Theater Club performs its new play, Pedro Páramo
Sophomore Peyton Ross wins first place at the 3rd Midwest Korean Speech Contest
Dr. Martha Kelly named 2022-23 National Humanities Center Fellow
Adriana Mendez contributes ecocriticism to honorific volume, Vereda tropical
SLLC Course on the Cultural History of German Immigration to Missouri visits the State Historical Society (SHSMO)
Apply now! Study abroad awards available for French undergrad & graduate students
Spanish Theater Club performs SLLC grad student's opus, "Si cae España"
Martha Kelly & SLLC Russian Grad Students Publish Collaborative Translations of Dmitry Strotsev's poems
Mary Jo Muratore publishes article, "Residual Voices or the Resonance of Postcolonial Silence"
Mary Jo Muratore's most recent article -- "The Art of Narrative Deferral: Madani's L'histoire peut attendre" -- has appeared in Neohelicon
SLLC hosting "Germany in Transit" cultural week 10/18-10/21
Mary Jo Muratore's book, Aux carrefours du labyrinthe. Narration et fragmentation chez Assia Djebar, Sabiha Khemir, Rachida Madani, published
Megan Moore's book, The Erotics of Grief, published
Adriana Méndez Rodenas publishes article, "Mapping Colonial Havana: La Condesa de Merlin’s Voyage of Return"
Timothy Langen's co-edited book, Reading Backwards: An Advance Retrospective on Russian Literature, published
Adriana Méndez to speak on "Transculturated Poetics: La tumba francesa and Cuban Cultural Identity"
SLLC faculty featured in Mizzou celebration of publishing
Megan Moore publishes article "Medieval Emotions and Posthuman Subjectivities: Cyborgs and Desire"
Congratulations to Dr. Webster, SLLC PhD in French!
French student Megan DeGunia to serve as A&S graduation marshal
Seth Howes wins MU's Outstanding Director of Grad Studies Award
Documentary work of Juanamaria Cordones-Cook featured on prime-time program Dialogo Abierto
SLLC Spanish PhD student Leo Montes Alvarez chosen to attend National Humanities Center Seminar
Mary Jo Muratore awarded Prix d'excellence by European book series L'Orizzonte
Marcel Tchatchou & Milena Rondon awarded SLLC Carrie Wilkins Fellowships in Romance Languages
SLLC graduate Dr. Seth Compaore named finalist for ACLS Emerging Voices Fellowship
Prof. Brad Prager named A&S Professor of the Year
Mary Jo Muratore's "Les résonances du silence postcolonial" to be published in Studi di Letteratura Francese
Adriana Méndez invited to contribute to the Cambridge History of Cuban Literature
Juanamaria Cordones-Cook to give keynote at King's College online conference, "Out of the Wings"
SLLC graduate completes PhD in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
Joseph Otabela publishes chapter entitled "¿Puede hablar el subalterno?"
Afro-Romance Institute lectures for Black History Month: "Should the Rosa Parks House Remain in Europe? Locating the Black Family Across the Atlantic"
Erick Blandón's work on Caribbean Afro-descendant communities celebrated in several publications
Afro-Romance Institute lectures for Black History Month
Brad Prager's edited anthology receives glowing review
Mary Jo Muratore founds and directs new scholarly monograph series
Spanish PhD student Milena Rondón featured as GPS “Student of the Week”
SLLC student Elijah Brown is A&S Graduation Marshall
Dawn Heston publishes Intermediate Spanish textbook, Perspectivas
SLLC PhD student Leo Alvarez honored as GPC's grad student of the week
Daniel Sipe publishes article in French Studies
SLLC hosts roundtable on Decolonizing our Curricula
Students learn and win prizes in Italian spelling bee
SLLC Spanish faculty Dr. Dawn Heston & Rosa Morales interviewed about Bilingual Boom in Vox
Mar Soría publishes “La subversión de la basura: la ciudad abyecta en El cubo de la basura (1951) de Alfonso Sastre y Mi vida en la basura (1955) de Ángeles Villarta”
Mary Jo Muratore has published the first English translation (with introductory essay) of Rachida Madani's novel, The Story Can Wait (L'histoire peut attendre)
Mar Soria publishes Geographies of Urban Female Labor and Nationhood in Spanish Culture
Juanamaria Cordones-Cook published Handmade in Cuba: Rolando Estévez and the Beautiful Books of Ediciones Vigía
Allen Thiher, Professor emeritus, published Reform for an Enlightenment Education
Juanamaria Cordones-Cook published Before a Mirror: The City
Adriana Méndez Rodenas has a forthcoming essay entitled, “Mapping Colonial Havana: La Condesa de Merlin's Voyage of Return”
Martha Kelly (Assoc. Prof. of Russian Studies) participated in Columbia’s One Read program
Megan Moore publishes edited volume on Gender in the Premodern Mediterranean
Reading Celebrates Poetry by GRS Professor Huichung Liang
GRS student to be 2021 Fulbright Young Professional Journalist
Congratulations to our graduating Russian majors!